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Tag: humorous tales

People Are Enjoying My Book

Well, this is a wonderful way to start my day–

A man reading my book in England wrote this to me:
“Oh man, your book is brilliant, heartfelt and hilarious! I can’t stop reading it. The story about Santa is fantastic, and when I turned over the page to see the picture of you with suicide Santa splayed out on the roof, I was crying with laughter. You’re a true talent.”

Greg Firlotte emailed me this, about reading my book: “…the family dishrag passages!! I laughed out loud in my room late into the night over these and thought if anyone passed by my door and heard me laughing uncontrollably, they might have me committed today! Can’t wait for tonight’s reading!”

This is from a lovely woman in Spain

Reader of my book, "Craving Normal" in Spain

From Canada! Here’s another wonderful message from a reader my book, “Craving Normal.” Though our lives have been different, my stories resonated with her. She wrote, “Thank you for taking me on your crazy journeys through life and reminding me to chuckle along the way.”

Happy Reader of Craving Normal by Michele Miles Gardiner

Book review of Craving Normal

You can buy my book at my favorite Los Angeles bookstore, Skylight Books.

You, too, can read my “crazy stories” (quoting my editor). You can find Craving Normal, in print and eBook, here, on Amazon.


My friend Leslie’s bawdy and funny Texan mom is loving my book. Leslie texted me this photo, saying how much fun her mama is having. I call this “Shock and awe.”

You might have fun, too, if you buy my book:

Reading Michele Miles Gardiner’s book”Craving Normal,” true and humorous story collection

I signed my first book, yesterday.

"Craving Normal" my collection of nonfiction humorous stories, and personal essays


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