As writer Cynthia Heimel said, “When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap.”
To find out what I mean, you can read my book, Craving Normal. Buy it on Amazon.
Now that my book, Craving Normal, is finally published, here comes the real work: promoting my nonfiction story collection.
In one step, I created an author page on One question I answered: What inspired you to write this book?
This isn’t what I wrote, but I now remember sitting down, years ago, with writer Kevin Starr (my mom’s cousin, American historian, California’s State Librarian, and prolific writer). I’d invited him to my home in Tarzana, for my special spaghetti dinner.
I told him my idea: to interview people raised in non-conformist families–kids of punks, hippies, political revolutionaries, artists, etc. Having my own quirky childhood and always feeling like I didn’t fit in, I wondered how other people grew up, what they experienced. Did they rebel? Or did they gravitate to how they were raised? Anyway, I found those questions intriguing.
Kevin didn’t. “Write your own stories.”
And so I began to write those, along with other experiences. My book isn’t only about my childhood, but my lifelong quest to fit in, to find my own place in the world, and how I stumble along the way.
I’m now thinking I need to update my acknowledgement page to include Kevin. I was honored to have his support. He’d write me supportive emails after seeing my essays in LA newspapers and reading my old blog about my life in California. I’d send Kevin a copy of my book, but he passed away two years ago.
For that reason, I wish I put this book out sooner. But, really, it wasn’t ready then. My stories still needed to be crafted and thought through. I knew I didn’t have the right book cover idea.
Previous idea for “Craving Normal” book cover, a painting I created.
Photo: One of a few ideas I had for my book cover, to use this painting I created. Maybe for my next book, “How to Become Broke and Influence Nobody.” Considering the hours I spent sunbathing, instead of looking for a job, it just may work.
“Craving Normal,” is now available to buy in print, here. And the eBook will be available soon. I hope you enjoy my stories, reading my view of life–as kooky as many of my tales may be. To quote my editor, “I enjoyed your crazy stories…” Well, I hope you do too.
Wheeew, this book has been like going through birth and raising a kid. The time it took to get this baby out, it should be driving by now. With that in mind, hop in and take a ride!
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“Craving Normal,” written by Michele Miles Gardiner