Welcome! I’m an imperfect person trying my best in life as I share in my stories. In parenting, marriage, working, and interacting with other humans, I do my best to remain calm, sane, and havoc-free, but I often fail.
In 2019, I published my first book, “Craving Normal.” As I continue to work on my second book, a work-in-progress (still without a title), a traumatic and life-changing experience happened that I wanted to share. It’s included as a late chapter in my next book. I guess that author up in the cosmos decided to add some scary trauma and emotional chaos to my tales. These latest adventures I will share with readers in my last chapter have added some needed perspective, that’s for sure.
If you’re struggling, I hope my life experiences assure you you’re not alone.
Life’s tough. But it helps to find humor and magic. It’s there, in between the madness.
If You’ve Snort-Laughed Inappropriately at Awkward Moments, You’re My People.
Wow, I cannot thank Elliot Windmill enough for this wonderful interview he did with me about my book, “Craving Normal.” Here’s the interview.
US/Europe BOOK GIVEAWAY, beginning tomorrow. We’re each giving away one signed copy of my book, “Craving Normal.” Details on 4/27.
About Elliot, sometimes you just connect with people, no matter where you are in the world. I’m here in the U.S. and he’s in the U.K., but we have so many interests in common, we’ve become friends.
I “met” Elliot via Instagram, while I was pre-promoting my book. He was a big supporter and one of the first people to buy “Craving Normal,” and leave enthusiastic comments about it.
His curiosity and love of adventure is contagious.
Please read more of Elliot’s website. He writes out people he’s met while having adventures, near home and far away. They’re so much fun to read.
Elliot Windmill asked me really indepth questions about my book, “Craving Normal.”
Join us on June 6th at 7pm, for Michele Miles Gardiner’s launch of her new book, Craving Normal. She’ll be joined by wildly entertaining writers Pamela Des Barres, Moon Unit Zappa, and Sara Stardust. It’ll be a raucous night of storytelling, book signing, prizes, and fun.
$10 admission. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Come early to enjoy Valley Relic Museum’s fascinating collection and play coin-free pinball machines. The first twenty-five to arrive will receive prizes. Valley Relics Museum: 7900 Balboa Blvd. C3 & C4. Entrance on Stagg St, Van Nuys, CA 91406. Get tickets here:
Michele Miles Gardiner is the author of her newly released book, “Craving Normal.” Michele has written essays and articles for magazines and newspapers. She enjoys storytelling–writing about life, culture, and society with her own slanted view, often injecting humor.
Pamela Des Barres is the author of New York Times best-selling book,I’m with the Band, her recent book, “Let it Bleed,” on memoir writing, and many books about her rock-n-roll life as Queen of the Groupies. Pamela’s working on her new book, “Blinded by the Light.”
Sara Stardust is an artist and author. Her first published book is Dragon Soul, an epic fantasy of a grown up fairy tale. She also self published a Groupie Culture Magazine called Star Seed, inspired by Pamela Des Barres. Issue 3 of her zine and a prequel to her epic are soon to be released.
Here’s a video of Moon introducing Pamela at a reading, last year:
My first event for “Craving Normal,” will be June 6th. I’ll be joined by wildly entertaining writers: Pamela Des Barres and Moon Unit Zappa. It’ll be a rockin’ and raucous evening. Join us at Valley Relics Museum in the San Fernando Valley. 🎸 Ticket info to come.
As writer Cynthia Heimel said, “When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap.”
To find out what I mean, you can read my book, Craving Normal. Buy it on Amazon.
Now that my book, Craving Normal, is finally published, here comes the real work: promoting my nonfiction story collection.
In one step, I created an author page on Goodreads.com. One question I answered: What inspired you to write this book?
This isn’t what I wrote, but I now remember sitting down, years ago, with writer Kevin Starr (my mom’s cousin, American historian, California’s State Librarian, and prolific writer). I’d invited him to my home in Tarzana, for my special spaghetti dinner.
I told him my idea: to interview people raised in non-conformist families–kids of punks, hippies, political revolutionaries, artists, etc. Having my own quirky childhood and always feeling like I didn’t fit in, I wondered how other people grew up, what they experienced. Did they rebel? Or did they gravitate to how they were raised? Anyway, I found those questions intriguing.
Kevin didn’t. “Write your own stories.”
And so I began to write those, along with other experiences. My book isn’t only about my childhood, but my lifelong quest to fit in, to find my own place in the world, and how I stumble along the way.
I’m now thinking I need to update my acknowledgement page to include Kevin. I was honored to have his support. He’d write me supportive emails after seeing my essays in LA newspapers and reading my old blog about my life in California. I’d send Kevin a copy of my book, but he passed away two years ago.
For that reason, I wish I put this book out sooner. But, really, it wasn’t ready then. My stories still needed to be crafted and thought through. I knew I didn’t have the right book cover idea.
Previous idea for “Craving Normal” book cover, a painting I created.
Photo: One of a few ideas I had for my book cover, to use this painting I created. Maybe for my next book, “How to Become Broke and Influence Nobody.” Considering the hours I spent sunbathing, instead of looking for a job, it just may work.