One of my dreams: to have a sandwich named after me. I know–dream big, Michele!

Ian and I were drooling over the potential ingredients of our namesake sandwiches, recently. That’s when I remembered the summer, after high school, when I worked at The Rockaway Beach Deli on Highway 1 in Pacifica (About 10 miles south of San Francisco, on the coast). A man came in and said to me, “Make me any sandwich you want. Your favorite.”
I pulled out one of our freshly baked sourdough rolls, sliced it open, slathered the roll with Russian dressing, topped it with big pieces of our fresh, sweet crab meat, added some diced onions, and big slices of Gruyère cheese. Then I put the open sandwich under the oven broiler until bubbly and browned, and topped it with the Rockaway Beach Deli’s delicious homemade (made there) cole slaw. The guy loved it.
If THAT’s going to be The Michele Sandwich, I might have to add some hot sauce to give it some spice.

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