Wow, I cannot thank Elliot Windmill enough for this wonderful interview he did with me about my book, “Craving Normal.” Here’s the interview.
US/Europe BOOK GIVEAWAY, beginning tomorrow. We’re each giving away one signed copy of my book, “Craving Normal.” Details on 4/27.
About Elliot, sometimes you just connect with people, no matter where you are in the world. I’m here in the U.S. and he’s in the U.K., but we have so many interests in common, we’ve become friends.
I “met” Elliot via Instagram, while I was pre-promoting my book. He was a big supporter and one of the first people to buy “Craving Normal,” and leave enthusiastic comments about it.
His curiosity and love of adventure is contagious.
Please read more of Elliot’s website. He writes out people he’s met while having adventures, near home and far away. They’re so much fun to read.